Migrating the Wieting Site in Drupal 8
2020-02-28 - ~5 Minutes
Migrating the Wieting Site in Drupal 8
Sorry for my extended absence here, I’ve been uber-busy with work, but have also been able to work a little (lots of long nights and weekends) on a long-overdue update of https://Wieting.TamaToledo.com in Drupal 8. It’s true, I have been thinking about moving that site to make it static, almost certainly using Hugo, but I thought before doing so I’d give Drupal 8 one more try. I’m pleased to report that it’s working nicely again. Here’s how I did it, and how I plan to keep it updated…
Saved by “docker-compose-drupal”
I actually started the process of migrating and updating
the Wieting website
in Docksal, but I failed… I could never figure out how to reliably and easily push my work to production from there. Docksal just seems to wrap so much of itself into the cli
container that drives it, I found it difficult to de-couple from that in production.
So I went looking elsewhere and discovered Lando , and I did considerable work with it because Lando, at least in the case of Drupal, builds a 3-part development stack that looks a lot like what I wanted to deploy in production. The parts of a Lando stack, and my production stack, are the same:
- An
web server container, - A
database container, and - A
codebase container.
But once again I had trouble figuring out exactly how to push that development stack to production. So, I went looking again for an open (and by that I mean “free” and freely modifiable) production-ready stack configuration that uses the 3-parts I had in mind. I found
and almost immediately created
my own fork
of that project. Using
my docker-compose-drupal
I set off to build a production instance, NOT a development instance, on my summitt-dweller-DO-docker
droplet at DigitalOcean. That project came to life in /opt/docker-compose-drupal
The evolution of summitt-dweller-DO-docker:/opt/docker-compose-drupal
was quite an adventure, in large part because the Wieting’s web site had gone almost a year without any updates. That meant upgrading the Drupal core from version 8.2.? to version 8.8.2, along with countless modules that had changed rather dramatically, so there were lots of bumps along the way. I also had to move the site from a multi-site configuration, the old site lived in a container at /var/www/html/web/sites/wieting
, to a default configuration that lives in the container at /var/www/localhost/web/sites/default
includes some nice scripts and features to help with things like that, and they are nicely documented in the
project’s README.md
file. I’ll elaborate on a few of the key features later in this post, but most of what I did during the migration and update is water-under-the-bridge, and should not need to be repeated, ever, so I won’t elaborate on all of it here. It’s worth noting here that the work I did in my fork all happened in a branch named wieting
Moved to “wieting-D8-DO”
Once I had a new site working as I’d hoped, I wanted to begin a fresh new development and update cycle, so I used a process I’ve documented in my work blog: “How to Create a New GitHub Repo from an Existing Branch” . That work created the Wieting site’s new home, https://github.com/SummittDweller/wieting-D8-DO , based on the wieting branch of the aforementioned fork of docker-compose-drupal.
Site Update Workflow
Having built the
project I need a reliable workflow that I could use to keep it up-to-date. I created that workflow by migrating the existing production site at summitt-dweller-DO-docker:/opt/docker-compose-drupal
, where it responded as
, to a new staging copy at summitt-dweller-DO-docker:/opt/wieting-D8-DO
, where it would respond, temporarily, at my designated “staging” address,
While working as administrator on summitt-dweller-DO-docker
the entire command-line process looked like this:
echo $(date --iso-8601)cd /opt/docker-compose-drupalgit ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-standard > $(date --iso-8601).ignored.listtar czvf $(date --iso-8601).ignored.list.tar.gz --files-from $(date --iso-8601).ignored.listgpg --encrypt --recipient summitt.dweller@gmail.com $(date --iso-8601).ignored.list.tar.gzrm -fr $(date --iso-8601).ignored.list.tar.gzcd /optgit clone https://github.com/SummittDweller/wieting-D8-DO.gitcd wieting-D8-DOcp -f ../docker-compose-drupal/2020-02-27.ignored.list.tar.gz.gpg .gpg --decrypt 2020-02-27.ignored.list.tar.gz.gpg > ignored.tar.gztar xzvf ignored.tar.gzrm -f ignored.tar.gzcd ../docker-compose-drupalscripts/mysql dumpmv -f database/dump/dump.sql /opt/wieting-D8-DO/database/mysql-initcd /opt/wieting-D8-DOnano .envnano docker-compose.ymldocker-compose up -d
Breaking the Workflow Down
Moving the site from /opt/docker-compose-drupal
, to /opt/wieting-D8-DO
is a command-line process like this, with comments…
Comments / Commands# Set the working directory to the server’s project root, then git clone
the wieting-D8-DO project.
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/SummittDweller/wieting-D8-DO.git
# Save today’s date in ISO 8601 format to ${today}
; we will use it a few times later on.
today=$(date --iso-8601)
# Set working directory to the initial project. Put the site into ‘maintenance_mode’, flush all caches, dump a copy of the project’s database, move previously dumped databases to an .inactive directory, and move the dumped database so it will initialze the new site upon startup.
cd /opt/docker-compose-drupal
scripts/drush sset system.maintenance_mode 1 --input-format=integer
scripts/drush cr
scripts/mysql dump -f dump_${today}.sql
mv -f /opt/wieting-D8-DO/database/mysql-init/*.sql /opt/wieting-D8-DO/database/mysql-init/.inactive/
mv -f database/dump/dump_${today}.sql /opt/wieting-D8-DO/database/mysql-init/
# Fetch a list of ignored files, then tar the ignored files to make an archive, and encrypt the tarball for security purposes, then remove the itermediate tarball.
git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-standard > ${today}.ignored.list
tar czvf ${today}.ignored.list.tar.gz --files-from ${today}.ignored.list
gpg --encrypt --recipient summitt.dweller@gmail.com ${today}.ignored.list.tar.gz
rm -fr ${today}.ignored.list.tar.gz
# Now set the working directory to the new project, copy the tarball from the old site to the new one, decrypt and then restore/extract the tarball contents, and finally, remove the intermediate tarball.
cd /opt/wieting-D8-DO
cp -f ../docker-compose-drupal/${today}.ignored.list.tar.gz.gpg .
gpg --decrypt ${today}.ignored.list.tar.gz.gpg > ignored.tar.gz
tar xzvf ignored.tar.gz
rm -f ignored.tar.gz
# Working in the new directory, edit the .env file to set PROJECT_NAME
that won’t conflict with existing names.
nano .env
# Still in the new directory, edit the docker-compose.yml file to set the nginx service labels:
to include traefik.frontend.rule=Host:wieting.SummittServices.com
, to properly address the new site.
nano docker-compose.yml
# Spin up the new site for testing.
docker-compose up -d
# Turn off ‘maintenance_mode’ in both sites.
/opt/docker-compose-drupal/scripts/drush sset system.maintenance_mode 0 --input-format=integer
/opt/wieting-D8-DO/scripts/drush sset system.maintenance_mode 0 --input-format=integer
That worked nicely! Time to end this saga, but I’ll return shortly, in another post, to document my workflow for ongoing maintenance and updates. Until next time…