Sorry for the very late update today. I spent the morning at home and most of the day at work in Grinnell before visiting Morgan in M’town “on the way home”.
I know Mackenzie had a full day of therapy today and I’m told her blood pressure did spike a little but I think they are keeping a close eye on that and got it back down. I also know she had a psych consult today because we were worried about depression after she was told she’d have to stay a few more days. And then her cousin passed away and I think we all could have benefitted from some consultation, and rest. But I’m told that went well and she’s in pretty good spirits now.
I’m planning to return to CR mid-morning tomorrow and be there until we all come home on Tuesday, hopefully not too late in the morning. Other friends and family plan to visit tomorrow too… so here’s directions refresher:
Park in the 10th St. Ramp, and you MUST enter the ramp from the north because the corner of 10th St. and 8th Ave. is closed for roundabout installation. Once in the ramp walk outside the south end and turn left (west) into the 10th Street Entrance. From there it’s elevator B to the 7th floor, room 71-19 down the right-hand hallway and on the right. The door has a light green wall around it.
Travel safe. Take care.
-Mark M.