
Ok, I now have the missing individual micropost issue resolved. The fix required introducing a microposts/microposts.njk template patterned after posts/posts.njk, and linking that new template to a...


Tonight is the night we file our 2022 income taxes.  Got nice little refunds from both Federal and Iowa, but all of my Fed refund is going toward first quarter estimated payments for 2023.  😕


So, since I could not get back to sleep this morning I started looking at this blog and wondering why my home page pagination isn't right? After a little sleuthing I found that my custom logic to...


Today's income tax prep adventures has me believing that I need a new instance of Paperless, maybe Paperless-NGX this time? Now if I can just get Mackenzie to stand up and configure a new bare-metal...


Completed my first soccer officiating assignment tonight...  STC middle school girls and boys doubleheader, plus two B-games, vs. Mt. Vernon.  2.5 hours total play, but not too bad.  I still have a...


I pushed some Rootstalk updates into production ( this morning and am making note of that here since I don't have this slick micropost capability on my professional...

Holiday · Family

Time for an Easter Sunday post-feast nap!  Nice dinner here with me, Chris, Mackenzie, Morgan, Justin, Leonard, Barb, Deb, Doug, Mason and Michael.  


My old Hot Spring spa is gone! Listed it at about noon and by 4 PM I had 15 interested parties, most of them very serious. It went to a young couple who came very well prepared to haul it away......


I am back on my iPhone testing the Ghost Publisher app once more.  The problem here is that the "tags" feature doesn't appear to work at all?  I could fork the code...