As I started to follow-up on Gating My Content & More - Parts 1 and 2 I quickly realized that I’ve already forgotten most of what I learned about eleventy back in December. So, since I already have years of Hugo experience, I elected to “begin again” with Migrating from Hugo to Eleventy and that article makes an early reference to A Deep Dive Into Eleventy Static Site Generator. If those fail there’s Let’s Learn Eleventy.

In case it’s needed later, I captured all of the sites listed above in a OneTab page.

Gating My Content & More

I started to create a lengthy post here but ended up moving it to my professional blog. So, please look for the start of this subject in Gating My Content & More - Parts 1 and 2.

Rename Azure Subscription

Today I plan to follow the guidance found in Rename Azure Subscriptions and Find Your Environments Faster to fix the name of my personal Azure subscription 1, and maybe more. That’s a horrible name, I know!

Done! The new subscription name is SummittDweller Pay-As-You-Go. Much better!

Today I discovered a slick trick for “local” development of my first Hugo Module. The guidance I used was found in Working with Hugo Module Locally and it was spot-on! In my case the key was the additon of one line, two if you include the comment, to my project’s config.yml file:

// Innocent line below!
replace => /Users/mark/GitHub/hugo-timeline

Yes, you gotta’ love Hugo, but I now think 11ty might be worth a look. Also there’s Hosting Eleventy on GitHub Pages.

Ya’ gotta love Hugo! I just completed my first Jekyll-to-Hugo conversion, and made it a Hugo module. It’s taken me a couple of years to realize the power of Hugo modules, and I have to say it’s AWESOME, and perfectly implemented.

The process of conversion briefly is documented in the file at SummittDweller/hugo-timeline, and the first use of it as a module appears elsewhere in this blog at My Hugo Timeline, A New Hugo Module. The timeline itself can be seen at Check it out!

Web Nirvana? It dawned on me this morning that both VSCode and Azure are Microsoft things. So, there should be some handy Azure extensions for VSCode, right? Yes, yes indeed there are! I’m installing them now!

Reset Python environment on my Mac Mini using:

Need to remember this address:

Tama walking audit…downtown and to Cherry Lake.