NOT Like a Rolling Stone

NOT Like a Rolling Stone

Where has the last year gone?  While life (metaphorically the stream in the hero image) rolls on, this blog (any of the moss covered rocks in the image) has not.

This blog was born of good intentions, but frankly it's too hard for an old fart like me to remember how to maintain it and make contributions.  Having not posted here in many months, I had to consult my "documentation", and ultimately my retired password manager, to get back in and post this.  That's unacceptable, and it won't happen again.  

So, I'm going to replace this Ghost-driven "semi-static" blog with something more familiar and less costly/complex to operate.  Probably a Hugo static site that is truly "static", but not stagnant!   There will be no more blog-moss grown here!

Famous last words?

See you on the flip-side.  Soon.