
Check out my new TESTING page where I hope to continue testing new features. Also, be sure to have a look at my new HIKES site and especially some of the “highlighted” hikes that are listed in bold there.

Note that HIKES used to be a “section” here, but there are a lot of them so I made a site just for them.

U-Post Cap STL File

Need to try something new here… I have a 3d print .stl model file that I want to share with others.  I wonder if I can do that here as an attachment?  Let’s try…


Redefining an Azure Static Web App

Today’s burning question… Can I easily “redefine” an Azure Static Web App?

So, the source code for my password-protected Wieting-Guild-Pages is broken and I can’t update the stale old content that’s currently there. It’s a long story. Fortunately, I’ve rebuilt that code in a new GitHub repo and have it working again. Yay!

Now, can I take the deployment parts of the old/broken repo and apply them to the new repo and make it all work again?

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Buzzard Billy's

Trying breakfast at Buzzard Billy’s before “Ain’t Too Proud” this afternoon.

A Close Call Indeed

Driving home from a few days at Univ. of South Dakota in Vermillion last evening and stopped at Justin’s house in M-town to meet his parents and grandmother, plus Deb & Doug. We left there about 8:30 or so and I took the old Lincoln Highway into town to avoid deer along the road on the shorter rural route.

We nearly got hit by an impaired driver (?) when turning on to Center Street just south of the Hy-Vee / Taco John’s intersection. Fortunately for us, a large SUV (Suburban?) took the force of the impact while vehicles and debris flew all around us. Nobody was injured and there’s not a scratch (that we can see) on the new Kia, but we didn’t get home until a little after 10 PM.

Fire Alarm 2 AM

Do we get extra IHG (Holiday Inn) bonus points for living through the 2 AM false fire alarm last night? NOT FUN. Hope I can drive home this afternoon without falling asleep.

Greetings from Vermillion

Arrived in Vermillion, South Dakota, last evening about 6:30 PM and went straight to dinner at the “Old Lumber Company” downtown. Checked in to our hotel adjacent to the Univ. of South Dakota campus at about 7:15 PM and went to find the music department building (the fine arts center) where Christine will be taking classes for the rest of the week.

While she’s in class I’ll be working from my hotel room here, or maybe from the USD library.

Upgrading Matomo PHP

This afternoon I’m adding (site ID is 17) to my own Matomo instance and I’m prompted to upgrade PHP on that Matomo droplet (DigitalOcean). I did so quite easily following Upgrade PHP from 7.2 to 7.4 on CentOS 8 and Apache. I’ve also updated my Drupal version, and some modules, in along with adding the matomo module, but that module is now reporting:

    The validation of "" failed with error "Error opening socket ssl://" (HTTP code 0).
    The validation of "" failed with error "Error opening socket ssl://" (HTTP code 0).

Hmmm…wonder what’s up with that?

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Camping at Fishermans Corner

Arrived at Fisherman’s Corner campground in Hampton, IL, on Thursday evening and went on my first Iowa.LandShark geo-bike ride yesterday. Somewhere between 18-22 miles of geocaching along the Mississippi River from Moline to Davenport and Rock Island. Open my track log to see where Gossamar and I went.

Planting Sempervivum tectorum (and More)

This morning I started an experiment… clipping leaves (“lobes” might be a better term for these things) from a healthy, indoor Sempervivum tectorum. What’s that, you ask? The common name is Hens and Chicks.

A couple of weeks ago I bought an on-sale strawberry pot full of Sempervivum tectorum and I have it growing on a little table on the front porch. It’s doing QUITE WELL there! A couple of days ago I uprooted a 3 foot square patch of Snow on the Mountain from a spot in my front flower beds (outside out southeast bedroom window), and that left a big bare patch of soil to be dealt with.

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Streamlit Apps Fork

This morning I found some new Streamlit resources from developer Jcharis, and I forked his Jcharis/Streamlit_DataScience_Apps to make my own copy at SummittDweller/Streamlit_DataScience_Apps

Now I’m going to try and get the component Simple_CRuD_Blog_App_with_Streamlit working locally as a proof-of-concept. Since I can’t “clone” the single project repo, and a “sparse checkout” seems wasteful since I’ll never push back to the original project, I’m going to git init an entirely new local named simple-CRuD-blog-app-with-streamlit and just copy/paste the contents.

It works!