Gating My Content

Gating Content in JAMstack Sites

This section’s title was borrowed from a Stackbit article with the same title, Gating Content in JAMstack Sites. Working through that article to password protect some of the content at is my tech pursit today.

Nope, Not on Netlify

😦 Last evening I took a shot at implementing the Netlify Identity tricks from the aforementioned article, but could not easily get it to work. The problem, I think, is that the on Netlify already uses Netlify Identity for authentication of my Netlify CMS forms, and adding a second, separate instance of that service isn’t trivial and perhaps isn’t even feasible. I also tried implementing some quick Staticrypt CLI protection but that also failed. Netlify does provide a really quick and painless solution, but it costs $20/month, at a minimum, to enable it.

New Staticrypt Strategy?

So, my next shot at this will involve creating a new Eleventy site just for the Wieting’s protected content. Wish me luck and follow along here if you like.

Trying Azure DevOps

I recently created a personal Azure account, registered to, and last evening (January 31, 2023) I took a dive into Azure DevOps under that account. The “welcome” email that I received says I now have an “organization” URL at

I jumped into Azure DevOps because it looks like within that environment I can establish a Content Management System (CMS) not unlike the NetlifyCMS (or perhaps it IS NCMS) that I run for the Wieting Theatre, hosted with I really like NetlifyCMS, but thus far I’ve had limited success with it, and ONLY at where the user authentication process is nicely streamlined. I hope that Azure DevOps has user authentication that’s just as easy to manage, and at less cost.

So, I guess the strategy now is to see what Azure DevOps has to offer, rather than venturing further with Staticrypt.

That’s a TEMPORAY wrap, this post isn’t finished just yet.