Fixing Wieting Guild Pages
Just the other day I got an updated copy of the Wieting Theatre’s volunteer roster and assignment schedule. As I’m trying to post them to the theatre’s management website (it’s password protected) I keep having issues with npm
and dependencies that won’t compile. The fix, thus far has included a local command stream like this:
cd wieting-guild-pages
git pull
code .
npm run build
npm run start
--> failed
npm update
npm audit fix
npm run build
npm run start
--> failed
npm audit fix --force
npm run build
--> failed
npm install axios
npm run build
--> failed
npm update
npm run build
The last errors had this in common:
[11ty] Unhandled rejection in promise: (more in DEBUG output)
[11ty] connect ETIMEDOUT (via Error)
[11ty] Original error stack trace: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
[11ty] at AxiosError.from (/Users/mark/GitHub/wieting-guild-pages/node_modules/axios/dist/node/axios.cjs:836:14)
One explanation I found:
The ETIMEDOUT error is thrown by the Node.js runtime when a connection or HTTP request is not closed properly after some time. You might encounter this error from time to time if you configured a timeout on your outgoing HTTP requests. The general solution to this issue is to catch the error and repeat the request, preferably using an exponential backoff strategy so that a waiting period is added between subsequent retries until the request eventually succeeds, or the maximum amount of retries is reached. If you encounter this error frequently, try to investigate your request timeout settings and choose a more appropriate value for the endpoint if possible.
I also found a GitHub issues/bug report related to Axios and this error at So, maybe it’s not just me?