Microposts from iOS

Wow, this post is long overdue.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been looking for, or building and using, a workflow that would let me create quick and simple microposts for this blog using my iPhone. I want that workflow to automatically record my location (in the form of a city/town reference) and date/time. With the help of my daughter, Mackenzie, I’ve had workflows that used Working Copy and iOS Shortcuts to get this done, but I never really understood the entire process and over time it broke down and I was unable to repair it. It’s time to revisit those pieces and I’m going to follow, and document here, the steps and components presented in Post to Eleventy from iOS with Drafts, Shortcuts and Working Copy. The only change I anticipate will be pointing the workflow at this Hugo blog rather than an Eleventy one, and those differences should be minimal and manageable.